재고 관리 코드: H257 ISBN: H257

Kiritsuke AUS-10 Tsuchime Damascus Dark-Blue Urushi Handle 210mm


This one-of-a-kind Kiritsuke AUS-10 Tsuchime Damascus Chef’s Knife is an exquisite piece of cutlery craftsmanship designed to deliver precision and performance. The luxurious Dark-Blue Urushi Handle provides a smooth grip for secure and comfortable use, while the elegant Damascus steel blade is swirled with a classic Tsuchime pattern. The perfect addition to any gourmet kitchen.

“Kiritsuke” knifes are an all-purpose knife featured a diagonally cut-off tip. Kiritsuke knives are one of the few multipurpose traditional Japanese blades, and can be used as a slicer or a vegetable knife. These sword shaped knives feature a straighter and wider edge than a yanagi for vegetables, and a longer blade than an usuba for slicing fish with ease. The user needs more skill with traditional Japanese knives in order to utilize this unique kiritsuke style design properly. Traditionally, these knives are used only by the chefs as a symbol of status.

AUS-10 Stainless Steel
AUS-10 steel is one of the best steels used to make good-quality knives. It has good edge retention, toughness, hardness, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance.It is very easy to sharpen the knives made of AUS-10 stainless steel and they attain a very perfect edge. The sharpening of AUS-10A steel is easy and can be achieved through different sharpening materials.
The knife bears visible impressions of the hand-forging process (round hammer dents on the blade), which gives it a beautiful finish and also prevents food from sticking to the blade.

Damascus is a laminated steel knife made of several layers of different steel materials. The center of the blade is made of hard steel for sharpness, and both sides are covered with multiple soft steel materials. The multiple steels are metallurgically joined, not by plating or glue. The more the blade is forged, the more complex the ripples become, and the more beautiful the unique grain pattern becomes.

The handles on these knives are Octagonal Oak wood dye Japanese Lacquer (Urushi) that recalls the images of Japanese tradition.

The coating film of Urushi exudes a warm sense of intimacy when in contact with the skin that can almost be likened to the touch of an infant’s skin. With antibacterial and disinfectant properties, it is also provides an exceptional sense of security. urushi is a totally natural lacquer, and with use develops a distinct, deeply refined luster and texture which cannot be reproduced with chemically developed coating materials. This naturally fosters strong feelings of attachment and deference.

Blade Material: AUS-10 Stainless
Blade HRC: 60~61
Blade Finish: Tsuchime Damascus
Blade Type: Double-edged
Blade Length: 210mm
Blade Thinckness: 2mm
Total Length: 365mm
Handle Length: 140mm
Weight: 165g
Handle: Dark-Blue Handle
Origin: Tosa City in Kochi prefecture
Availability Sheath: Yes(Choosing the fit sheath)

칼을 비틀어 사용하지 마세요.

뼈, 냉동 또는 딱딱한 재료를 자를 때는 반드시 맞는 칼을 사용하세요.

이미지는 샘플 제품임을 참고해주세요. 각 제품은 수작업으로 제작되므로 색상, 무게, 무늬, 크기가 다를 수 있습니다.

칼날 가장자리를 보호하기 위해 부드러운 플라스틱이나 나무 도마를 사용해 주세요.

급격히 가열하거나 식히면 강철의 구조가 변할 수 있으니 주의하시기 바랍니다.

문의사항이 더 있으면 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.

수공 단조

전통적인 단조 공정을 통해 철 소재의 분자가 미세하게 조정되어 숨쉬는 "살아있는 주방 칼"이 완성됩니다.


금형 제작을 위해 각 재료를 가열하고 단조하는 과정을 서너 번 반복하여 칼날의 형태를 빠르게 만들고, 강철에서 탄소가 방출되어 원래의 강도를 잃기 전에 내구성을 확보합니다.


날은 최상의 날카로움을 얻는 데 가장 중요한 요소입니다. 타협 없는 날카로움을 만들어내기 위해 자체 칼날 공장에서 연마합니다.


견고함과 고급스러움, 그립감이 좋고 장시간 사용해도 피로감을 주지 않는 모양을 최우선으로 고려했습니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Timo Virmavirta-Santucci (Tampere, FI)
My first japanese knife

I chose this Kiritsuke as my first japanese knife.
Since we are 2, me and my wife using this knife, I chose the AUS-10 steel as it is stainless, it is easy to have in the kitchen.
Respecting the dos and don'ts is important, but after one month of use, I still wouldn't go back to a cheaper knife. I take so much enjoyement cooking since I got this knife.
Can easily spend hours in the Kitchen and enjoy it.
This is the first and definitely not a last knife from Musashi Japan for me !

Timo Virmavirta-Santucci (Oulu, FI)
My first japanese knife

I chose this Kiritsuke as my first japanese knife.
Since we are 2, me and my wife using this knife, I chose the AUS-10 steel as it is stainless, it is easy to have in the kitchen.
Respecting the dos and don'ts is important, but after one month of use, I still wouldn't go back to a cheaper knife. I take so much enjoyement cooking since I got this knife.
Can easily spend hours in the Kitchen and enjoy it.
This is the first and definitely not a last knife from Musashi Japan for me !

Bryan M. (Phoenix, US)
Solid workhorse knife!

This was my first REAL Japanese Knife. The Wa handle is very comfortable in a pinch grip, as well in the full handle grip when doing some filleting. I hope all the newer knife owners know that the Heel and the point of the blade require a slightly higher sharpening angle. Please do not neglect the heel the first time around sharpening, specifically if you plan on sharpening the blade to “your” angle on the whetstones. I have hade no issues with rusting. Just make sure you hand wash and dry after use. The blade itself is inspiring. I’ll find myself daydreaming thinking about what to make, how I’ll prep ingredients. How many different cuts I’ll do, whether to push cut or pull slice. It’s a great knife just get it. After I get more comfortable with this blade I plan on getting the super blue steel kiritsuke.

Bryan M. (Phoenix, US)
Solid workhorse knife!

This was my first REAL Japanese Knife. The Wa handle is very comfortable in a pinch grip, as well in the full handle grip when doing some filleting. I hope all the newer knife owners know that the Heel and the point of the blade require a slightly higher sharpening angle. Please do not neglect the heel the first time around sharpening, specifically if you plan on sharpening the blade to “your” angle on the whetstones. I have hade no issues with rusting. Just make sure you hand wash and dry after use. The blade itself is inspiring. I’ll find myself daydreaming thinking about what to make, how I’ll prep ingredients. How many different cuts I’ll do, whether to push cut or pull slice. It’s a great knife just get it. After I get more comfortable with this blade I plan on getting the super blue steel kiritsuke.

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