Understanding Blade Angles: Western vs. Japanese Knives

Understanding Blade Angles: Western vs. Japanese Knives

When we are speaking about kitchen knives, one of the most important factors influencing their performance is the blade angle (and yes, the angle can be different between Japanese and Western-style knives). This small detail plays a major role in the durability, ability to achieve sharpness, and overall cutting precision of a knife.

In this article, we will explain to you how the angles differ in Western and Japanese knives so you can choose the right knife for your cooking style and be sure that the knife has the best performance.

So, what is the blade angle?

Blade angle refers to the angle between the centerline of the knife and its cutting edge. 

The blade’s angle is very important as it influences how the knife performs, how sharp it is, and how long it can retain its sharpness. A smaller angle (around 10°- 15° per side) creates a sharper edge, while a larger angle (around 18°- 22°) makes the blade more durable but less sharp.

The blade angle directly impacts how the knife handles different tasks, from chopping to slicing. Knives with a finer angle are ideal for precision cutting, while knives with a wider angle are the best for heavy-duty use.

Understanding Western Knife Blade Angles

Western knives typically have a blade angle starting from 18° to 22° on each side. This angle offers a good balance between sharpness and durability, making Western knives well-suited and very popular for general-purpose tasks, including chopping, slicing, and cutting through tougher ingredients like meat and bones. Western knives can tolerate more impact, making them seem more durable.


  • With a wider angle, Western knives are less likely to chip and can withstand tough tasks, which makes them more durable.
  • Ideal for a wide range of tasks, from rough chopping to finer slicing, making them versatile.
  • Due to the angle, they hold the edge longer, so you don’t have to sharpen them that often.

Generally, Western Knives are easier to sharpen and maintain, they are more times represented in stores for sale, and they are less prone to damage when used for a variety of kitchen tasks.

Understanding Japanese Knife Blade Angles

If we are comparing Japanese Blade angles with Western ones, the Japanese blade angles typically range from 10° to 15° per side.

With those angle ranges, the knife has an incredibly sharp edge that allows for extremely precise and clean cuts. Japanese Knives specifically were designed to perform delicate tasks such as precise slicing of vegetables, fish, and boneless meats.

Some single-bevel Japanese knives, for example, Yanagiba, Deba, and Usuba can have an edge as low as 5°- 8° on one side. They are considered to be extremely sharp knives.


  • Precision and sharpness: Because of the steel that is used in Japanese Knives, they can be sharpened from 12° to 15° per side, which results in a razor-sharp edge that can deliver precise and clean cuts.
  • Less Resistance: A sharper edge cuts through food more easily, reducing the need for excessive force.

However, if the knife has a very sharp edge, like Japanese Knives have, it means that the blade requires more care and maintenance and frequent sharpening to maintain its best performance.

Western & Japanese blade angles difference


The difference in blade angles between Western and Japanese knives is largely influenced by the distinct culinary traditions of each region.

For example, Japanese cuisine has a lot of raw fish (sashimi), finely sliced vegetables, and delicate proteins, requiring knives that create clean, smooth cuts without crushing the food's texture.

Many traditional Japanese knives, like the Yanagiba (sushi knife) and Usuba (vegetable knife), are single-bevel, meaning they have an extremely fine edge on one side for maximum sharpness.

Western cuisine involves heavier chopping, cutting through tough meats, breaking down poultry, and handling thick-skinned vegetables, requiring a stronger, more resilient edge.

Therefore, western knives are often double-beveled, allowing them to be used for many tasks and making them slightly easier to sharpen.

So, the differences in blade angles affect how each knife performs in various kitchen tasks. Western knives are strong, and they were built with the idea of versatility in mind. They are ideal for heavy-duty jobs like chopping, dicing, and cutting through bones. 

On the other hand, Japanese knives were created for tasks that require precision. They excel at tasks like slicing raw fish, dicing vegetables, or cutting delicate meats where clean and smooth cuts are essential.


Blade Angles and Maintenance


Western knives, thanks to their more durable angles, require less frequent sharpening. Japanese knives, however, need to be sharpened regularly to maintain their fine edge. 

Whether you have a Western or Japanese Knife, we recommend mastering the wet stone for sharpening your knives, as it allows for greater control over the angle and prevents damage to the blade, whether you have a Japanese or a Western Knife. 

Proper maintenance is essential for both types of knives, as a dull blade can lead to poor performance or even cause unnecessary injury.


Understanding the differences in blade angles between Western and Japanese knives can help you choose the right knife for your needs

Western knives can be more durable, while Japanese Knives might require more attention from the owner, but at the same time, Japanese blades offer a superior level of precision.

If you are thinking about what option is the best for you, Western or Japanese, you have to think about what you are looking for in a knife: strength and versatility or sharpness and finesse.

Whether you are looking for a knife for heavy-duty use or for delicate tasks, knowing the importance of blade angles will guide your decision and enhance your cutting experience.

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